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Ethno-racial similarity, relationship conflict and trust in supervisor-subordinate dyads

Carliss D. Miller (College of Business Administration, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas, USA)
Orlando C. Richard (The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA)
David L. Ford, Jr (The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA)

International Journal of Conflict Management

ISSN: 1044-4068

Article publication date: 17 December 2018

Issue publication date: 15 May 2019




In management research, little is known about how ethno-racial minority leaders interact with similar employees in supervisor–subordinate relationships. This study aims to examine and provide a deeper understanding of individuals’ negative reactions to similar others, thus highlighting the double-edged nature of demographic similarity which has historically predicted positive affective reactions.


Using a survey design, the authors collected data from supervisor-subordinate dyads from multiple companies from the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex in Texas, USA. They used ordinary least squares regression and conditional process analysis to test the hypotheses, including a two-stage moderation and moderated mediation.


Incorporating social context, i.e. minority status, as a moderator, the results show that ethno-racial minority leaders supervising ethno-racially similar subordinates were more vulnerable to relationship conflict than non-minority dyads. This, in turn, is linked to a reduction in the leaders’ feelings of trust toward their ethno-racially similar subordinate.


This study draws on social identity theory and status characteristics theory to explain the contradictory processes and outcomes associated with dyadic ethno-racial similarity and suggests the conditions under which dyad racial similarity is connected with unfavorable outcomes. This framework helps to broaden the boundary conditions of relational demography to provide a more nuanced explanation of when and why minority leaders in demographically similar hierarchical dyads experience more relationship conflict, which ultimately diminishes trust.



Miller, C.D., Richard, O.C. and Ford, Jr, D.L. (2019), "Ethno-racial similarity, relationship conflict and trust in supervisor-subordinate dyads", International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 246-269.



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