(2001), "Training materials. Key Skills Analysis: a resource for analysing job content and training needs and for selecting training and development programmes", Education + Training, Vol. 43 No. 8/9.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Training materials. Key Skills Analysis: a resource for analysing job content and training needs and for selecting training and development programmes
Training materials
Key Skills Analysis: a resource for analysing job content and training needs and for selecting training and development programmes
Lesley Howard and Rose TawGower0 566 08256 X£75.00
This resource focuses upon a range of what it calls "non specific work skills", by which is meant communication, application of number, using information technology, working with others and improving one's own learning. It acknowledges that identifying skill gaps in such areas can be difficult and that each organisation has its own unique skills balance and context.
The resource is a collection of tools to address such difficulties and identify and analyse key skill competences in individuals or teams of staff. The authors use a standard three-stage process:
- 1.
assess the skills required for a particular role;
- 2.
assess how far the candidate exhibits these skills; and
- 3.
identify the gaps.
Three main types of assessment tools are provided:
- 1.
self assessment checklists;
- 2.
one-to-one interviews using checklists; and
- 3.
prepared questionnaires and assessments through tasks.
Clear instructions for using the tools are included as well as some discussion of the social issues which this kind of training raises.
Although the bulk of the resource addresses the processes of training needs and skills analysis a short final section focuses upon meeting identified training needs. Broad alternatives are discussed i.e. job coaching, mentoring, using open/distance learning materials etc. The manual's value is in the provision of specific resources, together with guidelines as to their use, to help trainers and managers ensure training provision subsequently meets real needs. The materials are provided in a loose-leaf format to aid photocopying and application within an organisation.