(2001), "Foreign placements for science, technology and engineering undergraduates", Education + Training, Vol. 43 No. 8/9.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Foreign placements for science, technology and engineering undergraduates
Foreign placements for science, technology and engineering undergraduatesKeywords: Students, Science, Technology, Engineering, Work, Experience
Science, technology and engineering undergraduates can gain course-related work experience in one of almost 80 countries, through the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. There are currently more than 200 foreign students on placements in the UK, and an equal number of UK students on placements worldwide. Further information is available from Nina Terlinden, at the Central Bureau, on +44 20 7389 4774. E-mail
Meanwhile, a programme which supports co-operation between the UK and Germany in the field of training promotes business partnerships and includes provision for exchanging work-based trainees and short visits by training managers and trainers. The Training Bridge programme, launched three years ago, benefits both the individuals and companies involved. Further information is available from Susanna York, at the Central Bureau, on +44 20 7389 4689. E-mail