(2001), "Languages Challenge for Business", Education + Training, Vol. 43 No. 8/9.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Languages Challenge for Business
Languages Challenge for BusinessKeywords: Languages, Companies
The Languages National Training Organization has launched the Languages Challenge for Business as a way of encouraging firms of all sizes to take part in the European Year of Languages campaign. Companies can choose to:
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sign up to an export-communications review and show evidence of creating and implementing a languages strategy for their company;
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carry out an audit of language skills in their company and show how they support employees with language skills to use them to the company's advantage;
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talk to their translator or interpreter about how they work, in order to improve mutual understanding;
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contact their local school, college or university and offer work-placement opportunities to people with language skills;
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sponsor one or more of their employees to improve their language skills.
Further information is available on the Internet, at