(2000), "Fiat sponsors degree course", Education + Training, Vol. 42 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Fiat sponsors degree course
Keywords Partnering, Motor industry, Italy
A new first-degree course in automotive engineering has been launched as a result of an agreement between Italian vehicle-maker Fiat and Turin Polytechnic. The course aims to create engineers who are skilled in the technical, organizational and management issues of the automotive industry and orientated towards international and competitive innovation. The initiative is part of Fiat's centenary celebrations. The company has invested 44 billion lire in acquiring premises for the course, and will spend a further 45 billion lire on running costs over the next ten years. The faculty has also received 20 billion lire in European funding. Facilities include three 60-seat lecture theatres, a library, study areas, computer cluster and administration services linked to the main polytechnic site. There will be 60 students in the first intake.