(2000), "Netd@ys put new technology in the spotlight", Education + Training, Vol. 42 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Netd@ys put new technology in the spotlight
Keywords Learning styles, Internet
The ways in which new technology is changing the role of teachers and trainers were emphasized during the third annual Netd@ys Europe. The themes for the event were citizenship, solidarity with the lonely and disadvantaged, science, art, the environment, unemployment and Europe's cultural identity and diversity. Organizations taking part included schools, vocational-training centres, cultural groups and children's hospitals. The projects selected for Netd@ys support ranged from cinema on the Internet to ways of discovering Mediterranean cooking.
The operation was supported by national and regional education authorities and businesses. The European Commission provided financial and technical help.
Further information is available from: Nathan Dodd, British Educational Communication and Technology Agency, Science Park, Milburn Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7JJ. Tel: +44 1203 847042; e-mail