50 years of dairying research at the Hannah
It was 50 years ago last September that Norman C. Wright took up an appointment as the first full‐time member of staff of the then Hannah Dairy Research Institute, temporarily based (along with one goat!) in the Physiology Department of the University of Glasgow. From that lowly beginning, the Hannah Research Institute, as it is now called, has grown to a staff of 160, with over 200 Ayshire cattle, 16 Cheviot and 70 Finnish Landrace x Dorset Horn sheep, and 80 British Saanen goats, all on a 67 hectare farm at St Quivox, Ayr.
(1978), "50 years of dairying research at the Hannah", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 78 No. 6, pp. 6-9. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb058728
Copyright © 1978, MCB UP Limited