TEACH‐IN NO. 5 Healthy is as healthy does
Health foods have become big business in the UK and the market is dominated by four companies. Sales of health foods have risen from £11 million in 1965 to £18 million in 1970 and are still increasing with over 600 health food shops. These foods have been given considerable publicity in the popular press yet any consideration of them should be inseparable from food chemicals, food additives and processed foods. The nutritional merits of health foods are still being argued and many of the claims for their advantages have yet to be objectively proved.
Morton, I. (1973), "TEACH‐IN NO. 5 Healthy is as healthy does", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 73 No. 4, pp. 11-14. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb058574
Copyright © 1973, MCB UP Limited