A Long‐term Profit‐sharing Plan to Stimulate Motivation and Innovation among R&D Personnel
Technological innovation has been a highly significant engine of economic growth, and will continue to be a critical factor in the future. It plays a crucial role in maintaining competitiveness in international trade, in finding substitute goods and processes to replace those that are affected by increasing scarcities or are environmentally objectionable, and in ensuring the long‐term viability of firms in dynamic industries such as electronics, aerospace, defence, computers, pharmaceuticals and communications. These are issues of major importance in industrialised nations today.
Schroeder, E.A., Sherman, J.D. and Elmore, R.C. (1987), "A Long‐term Profit‐sharing Plan to Stimulate Motivation and Innovation among R&D Personnel", Personnel Review, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 34-38. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb055568
Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited