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Learning Styles and Learning

Alan Mumford (Professor of Management Development, International Management Centre from Buckingham)

Personnel Review

ISSN: 0048-3486

Article publication date: 1 March 1987



Some attention is at last being paid to the subject of how to help people, especially in my case managers, to learn how to learn effectively. It is not part of my purpose to argue again why so little attention seems to have been paid to the needs of the learner in the past, and why a change of focus is desperately needed. I have argued that elsewhere. In a recent literature review, completed since writing that article, I have again established the sad fact that very little has been written about how adult professional and managerial people learn, and even less has been written about how to make use of such knowledge as we do have.


Mumford, A. (1987), "Learning Styles and Learning", Personnel Review, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 20-23.




Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited

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