“Why Not Use the Computer?” The Use and Lack of Use of Computers in Personnel
The information on which this article is based comes from a major piece of research on the changing nature of personnel management, which is being conducted by the authors and Lesley Mackay at UMIST. The work is being funded by the Leverhulme Trust in collaboration with the IPM. The first phase of the research was the completion of extensive and detailed questionnaires about personnel practice in 350 different establishments during the Spring and early Summer of 1984. That data are still being analysed, but the second stage of the research began at the end of 1984. This is a series of interviews with questionnaire respondents. Conclusions from the research will be published progressively until the end of 1986.
Hall, L. and Torrington, D. (1986), "“Why Not Use the Computer?” The Use and Lack of Use of Computers in Personnel", Personnel Review, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 3-7. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb055527
Copyright © 1986, MCB UP Limited