Decentralisation, Management Development and Organisational Performance in a Developing Country
Until recently empirical research in organisational behaviour and personnel management had tended to be based, to a very large extent, on work situations in the United States and Britain. However, in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in studies reported in the literature carried out in other parts of the world. There has also been a quickening of interest in cross‐national comparisons of management and organisation. These trends have without doubt occurred partly as a response to the growing internationalisation of business and management. They have also stemmed partly from a desire to examine Anglo‐American management practice in a sharper relief, by adopting a wider, less culture‐bound, perspective.
Mansfield, R. and Alam, K. (1985), "Decentralisation, Management Development and Organisational Performance in a Developing Country", Personnel Review, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 33-38.
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited