White‐collar Trade Unions and New Office Technology
The trade union movement as a whole has given a cautious welcome to the new technology provided that it is introduced in a controlled fashion and safeguards are provided against exploitation of the workforce. An examination of the literature produced by the TUC indicates that there is a tendency for many officials to concentrate on traditional areas of union concern, to the detriment of other areas such as job design and ergonomic, health and safety factors. The standard of new technology agreements have varied but both unions and management now have a clearer idea of what terms to bargain for; there has been a corresponding recognition of the need to develop a spirit of co‐operation in management/union problem solving. The way forward rests on union officials' readiness to monitor the operation of equipment and the need for all those in the workforce being affected by new technology to be trained in both equipment operation and the health and safety factors involved.
Haddow, M. (1985), "White‐collar Trade Unions and New Office Technology", Employee Relations, Vol. 7 No. 5, pp. 29-31. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb055062
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited