Unionising the white collar workers
This research identifies factors which affect the unionisation of white collar workers and provides an analytical model for the use of practitioners in employee relations. The article is based on a study carried out at Sheffield City Polytechnic from 1974–1977. The research took a company or organisation‐level perspective rather than the national or industrial ones favoured by previous researchers. In an organisational context the union recognition process is one which creates a profound change in relationship between white collar staff and their employer; a change from what may be described as an “individualistic” to a more “collective” relationship.
Marsh, R. and Pedler, M. (1979), "Unionising the white collar workers", Employee Relations, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 2-6. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb054927
Copyright © 1979, MCB UP Limited