Checking Soluble Cutting Oil Concentrations
THE OPTIMUM concentration of a soluble cutting oil is usually arrived at either by trial and error or by the advice of the oil supplier who, again, has based this on his customers' experiences. Whilst it might not be important to adhere very accurately to this, it would obviously not be economical, for example, to use a 20 : 1 water/oil concentration where 26 : 1 had been found to give perfectly suitable results as regards finish and cooling. Similarly, it would not be economical to use a 7 : 1 ratio where 5 : 1 had been found to be the highest dilution comparable with satisfactory finish.
(1966), "Checking Soluble Cutting Oil Concentrations", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 18 No. 10, pp. 35-35.
Copyright © 1966, MCB UP Limited