Britain's First Full Scale Silicone Plant
The FIRST FULL SCALE SILICONE PLANT to be operated in Great Britain was open to the Press for the first time last month. This is Albright & Wilson's plant at Barry, Glamorganshire. This company have been interested in silicones for the past eight years and during this time interest by industry as well as by the layman, has increased tremendously. Silicones are now marketed for use in such everyday products as polishes, rainwear, sportswear, paper manufacture, etc., but their industrial uses include rubber manufacture, insulating compounds, paints, water repellants, treatment of masonry and concrete, plastics, release agents, etc.
(1954), "Britain's First Full Scale Silicone Plant", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 6 No. 11, pp. 20-26.
Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited