Women Studies: A Reference Collection for Public Libraries
The past decade has seen an enormous amount of publication and research focusing on the concerns of women. As feminist scholarship expands, publication about women and women's issues will continue. So much has been produced that it is nearly impossible to keep abreast of it all. And it is equally difficult to adequately evaluate these publications. Because the literature on women now is so vast, a brief list of essential resources of interest to public libraries is needed. Rather than attempt to name many specific titles for a core circulating collection I have concentrated on very basic reference tools. Women's studies journals are not included. See Serials Review 5:4.
Stafford, B. (1982), "Women Studies: A Reference Collection for Public Libraries", Reference Services Review, Vol. 10 No. 4, pp. 11-15. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb048770
Copyright © 1982, MCB UP Limited