Business Index
Business Index. September 1980— . M, each issue supersedes previous one. $1,860.00/yr. Information Access Corporation, 404 Sixth Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025. Ed.: Dennis Read. Circ: 1,000. ISSN 0273–3684. The era of indexes to library materials on computer‐output‐microfilm (COM) has arrived. Many libraries mark the era's beginning from the “freezing” of their card catalogs in response to that monumental act by the Library of Congress. COM has been widely used as the interim mode of bibliographic access to collections until online access can be provided. Libraries have also used a variety of types of equipment to view microform copies of material, such as newspapers. The Business Index uses a ROM COM Terminal.
Westerman, M. (1982), "Business Index", Reference Services Review, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 79-80.
Copyright © 1982, MCB UP Limited