Letter from America USA
New polyester polyols for urethanes are claimed to be fluid and pourable at room temperature. Called Urethall, they can be poured out of a drum at room temperature and uniformly manufactured using a novel dibasic acid technology, to the lowest end of the acid‐value scale (with narrow hydoxyl and viscosity specification). Many polyols currently used for urethanes consist of solids that must first be melted in a hot room (which can take several hours), and which have a limited operational range of acid values. Urethanes made from Urethanes exhibit incrementally better hydrolytic stability. In addition, the liquid polyols offer comparable hardness with less isocyanate and are said to elininate the need for plasticizers in certain flexible applications.
Paintman (1992), "Letter from America USA", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 21 No. 6, pp. 16-17. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb042948
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