Rules of Engagement
How nice it would be if the paint trade and its supporting industries had something similar to the General Medical or Bar Council. What a help it would be if we could dig into something similar to the Legal Aid Fund or the bulging coffers of the NHS. As it is, if we don't wish to go under, we have to sell in the hardest of market‐places without the assistance of esoteric mumbo‐jumbo, mystique or fee scales. We don't mind this and, in fact, many of us relish our environment and make a good living. It is, however, the restrictive practices of the so called professions which give the rest of us a bad name in today's obsessive fashion for nannyisation in the form of consumer protection.
Roon, H. (1988), "Rules of Engagement", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 17 No. 5, pp. 7-7.
Copyright © 1988, MCB UP Limited