Modern antifouling coatings Part II. Preparation and testing of some antifouling formulations
To organotin polymer systems were prepared based on the reaction of tri‐n‐butyltin methacrylate with methyl methacrylate ad acrylonitrile. Tin content of the polymers was about 22% and the physical properties of the organotin polymer films were investigated. The anti‐fouling potential of the prepared polymers was investigated as unpigmented and pigmented coatings at Alexandria and Port‐Said. Compositions containing vinyl copolymer as a co‐resin as well as cuprous oxide as a supporting toxin showed good antifouling performance for more than three years.
Abd‐El‐Malek, M.M., Messiha, N.N. and Ayoub, M.M.H. (1988), "Modern antifouling coatings Part II. Preparation and testing of some antifouling formulations", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 4-13.
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