‘Aromatic Free’ solvent borne acrylic copolymer resins: A NEW WAY TO SAFER PAINTS
For more than 30 years Goodyear has been a leader in solvent paint resin technology for the building sector, with the Pliolite range of resins. Today however, the paint industry is moving into a new era of social awareness of the environment. Goodyear, determined to maintain their lead by bringing new technology to the industry, is now in a position to announce the first of the new Plioway range of acrylic copolymer resins soluble in low odour, “aromatic free” solvents. The principal idea behind the development program of Plioway resins is to obtain for the first time solubility in non‐aggressive, low toxicity solvents while maintaining the very highest level of performance associated with solvent paint systems.
Sandford, R. and Gindre, A. (1986), "‘Aromatic Free’ solvent borne acrylic copolymer resins: A NEW WAY TO SAFER PAINTS", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 15 No. 11, pp. 4-6. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb042292
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