Paint testing: a survey of some modern techniques Part 5: Film properties
Previous articles in this series have considered techniques of paint analysis, as well as methods of studying surfaces and interfaces and ways of following the various physico‐chemical reactions which occur within coatings, particularly those concerned with film curing. Many of the techniques described in these articles required sophisticated analytical equipment and certainly in larger organisations the care and operation of this would be in the hands of specially trained personnel. There are however, a wide range of tests which paint chemists more or less routinely use in their day to day work on formulation control and development. These are the types of test which charactertise liquid or paint film properties such as viscosity (which has been considered in a previous article), colour and gloss, drying time, hardness, durability etc. The equipment used in these tests tends to be less complicated than required for many of the techniques described in the previous articles though as much care and attention to detail is required in operation and interpreting the data obtained. The last two parts in this series will be concerned with a review of some of the recent literature concerned with certain aspects of paint film testing. This article will consider test panel preparation and some of the literature concerned with measuring gloss level and film mechanical properties. Recent advances in the field of durability and corrosion testing will form the basis of a subsequent article.
Boxall, J. (1986), "Paint testing: a survey of some modern techniques Part 5: Film properties", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 15 No. 5, pp. 15-18.
Copyright © 1986, MCB UP Limited