Following our comment last month in the report on the European paint industry that it will be well into the 80's before powder coatings approach ten per cent of the total coatings market, we have again been taken to task for being “anti‐powder”. We are told to look at the number of new plants that have opened in the UK during the last eighteen months for the manufacture of powder. We are aware of this, but the fact is that we now have 16 powder plants in operation producing a total of still only 2,700 tons of powder coatings a year, a situation of definite over‐capacity for some time to come. Therefore, it is not a question of being “anti‐powder” but rather “realistic about powder”.
(1978), "Comment", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 7 No. 8, pp. 3-3.
Copyright © 1978, MCB UP Limited