Cellulosic resins and their uses
Industrial cellulose nitrate, sometimes called pyroxylin, collodion cotton or nitrocotton, is made by treating cellulose in the form of cotton (inters (threads) or woodpulp with a large excess of mixed nitric and sulphuric acid controlled to fine limits as regards strength of acid and the time and temperature of the nitration. Following a water washing process, the nitrocellulose is partially dried and the remaining water displaced by the selected damping medium — industrial methylated spirit, isopropanol or butanol. For certain purposes the nitrocellulose is damped with water.
(1972), "Cellulosic resins and their uses", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 23-27. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb040803
Copyright © 1972, MCB UP Limited