Future of Work — the New Agenda
I want to suggest that as important as the number of jobs in the future is the type of those jobs, and I want to look a little more broadly at what is still the physical place of work for most of us — the organization — be it factory, office, or shop, places which I think are changing with all manner of unsuspected consequences even while we talk. If you even half believe me it adds up to quite a change; to put it more evocatively we are living through a social revolution, but what keeps one awake at night is the fact that half the people have not noticed and the other half do not seem to give a damn. Sometimes I think that the British people actually prefer to stumble backwards into the future, because that way they delude themselves that things are not changing too much after all.
Handy, C. (1987), "Future of Work — the New Agenda", Education + Training, Vol. 29 No. 5, pp. 9-13. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb017358
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