Information Technology skills shortage
The focal point of the Information Technology Skills shortage problem has been the Butcher committee, which first met in June of 1984. This Department of Trade & Industry committee, chaired by John Butcher MP, arose from several sources. First NEDO and its electronics committee has been saying for some time that there is an acute problem which was not being tackled. Secondly the Alvey committee, organising important research activities, became alarmed that its plans were at risk because it could not see where the human resources necessary to carry out the additional work were to be found. Thirdly the CBI took up the problem and, led by Sir Austin Bide, made representations to Kenneth Baker MP who was then the Minister of Information Technology in the DTI.
Rogers, P. (1985), "Information Technology skills shortage", Education + Training, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 35-42.
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited