For further education, the green paper is for no‐go
Welcome though it is to have an attempt at fitting together the various bits of the educational jigsaw, with a try at least to establishing a coherent philosophy, the Green Paper has to be roundly criticised for stopping short at precisely the wrong point. By focusing on the schools, it is in fact positively harmful. It distracts attention from where it should be focused most: namely the antithesis between education and training, which has for so long bedevilled the educational structure of this country; the existence of which has, moreover, led successive Ministers and their officials to accord low standing and little thought to further education.
Hampson, K. (1977), "For further education, the green paper is for no‐go", Education + Training, Vol. 19 No. 10, pp. 317-320.
Copyright © 1977, MCB UP Limited