Barrie Hopson and John Hayes, together and in combination with others, have already made a considerable contribution to the theory and practice of self‐evaluation and career planning in this country. Together in their book The Theory and Practice of Vocational Guidance, they made available scarce articles on the subject which previously had been difficult and expensive to obtain. In Careers Guidance they provided what has become the cookbook on developing a guidance service; and although this was primarily meant for schools it will be found on the bookshelves of most further and higher education advisers. Hopson, with Patricia Hough, began to broaden his whole concept of self‐exploration for planning ahead in Exercises in Personal and Career Development; and this latest volume Transition shows a further development in their thinking on the subject.
Lancashire, R. (1977), "Books", Education + Training, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 103-104.
Copyright © 1977, MCB UP Limited