Working with science: the Nuffield project
The Second Sixth Form Working Party of the Schools Council showed, in Working Paper 45 16 – 19: Growth and Response, that as many as 25 per cent of students entering the sixth form in 1970 did not undertake studies beyond General Certificate of Education ‘O’ level or the Certificate of Secondary Education. To this number must be added the large number who entered further education colleges. Both figures seem to have risen in the last five years. Typically these students repeat, or take additional subjects, at ‘O’ level or CSE, or ‘convert’ a CSE into an ‘O’ level or take equivalent qualifications. Their time‐table may well contain a large number of private study periods. Most stay for only one year for a variety of reasons: because their parents wanted them to do so; because they want more time or more qualifications before getting a job; or because they are not old enough to start in their chosen career. Others attend as part of an educational programme, on day release from their jobs.
Wild, K. and Gilbert, J. (1977), "Working with science: the Nuffield project", Education + Training, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 38-40.
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