Careers:: TRENDS
A new Foundation Course in Overseas Trade is now being offered at 41 polytechnics and colleges, details of which were first announced by the British Overseas Trade Board last March. Developed jointly with the Institutes of Export, Marketing, and Freight Forwarders and the Society of Shipping Executives, the course is aimed at people of 18 years and over who are already working in the export or shipping department of a UK firm and are considered to have management potential. It is of one year's part‐time study duration and will replace the preliminary parts of the examinations set by each of the four sponsoring Institutes. On completion it is hoped that students will proceed to the specialised examinations of the Institute of their choice, leading to professional awards and membership. Minimum entry qualifications are four GCE ‘0’ levels (including English). However, candidates over 21 with at least three years experience in overseas trade may be exempted from this academic requirement and admitted at the discretion of college principals. Copies of the course brochure are available from the British Overseas Trade Board Publicity Unit, Room 231 A, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET.
(1975), "Careers:: TRENDS", Education + Training, Vol. 17 No. 10, pp. 271-274.
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