Whither educational research?
Research not only plays an important part in many of the activities which influence our day‐to‐day life, but it can readily be seen to do so. Why then, it might be asked, do teachers and administrators tend to regard educational research as something that bears little or no relation to the problems which they face? Three years ago, the Society for Research into Higher Education was set up to make research findings more widely available and to promote their more effective use. In this article, Dr Oxtoby reports on the Society's Third Annual Conference and gives his own views on the need to look more closely at the relationship between research and educational practice.
Oxtoby, R. (1968), "Whither educational research?", Education + Training, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 66-67. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb015926
Copyright © 1968, MCB UP Limited