IN THE END IT IS NECESSARY to consider what overall picture emerges from the survey. If one remembers that the original purpose involved the deliberate choice of the city as one with problems of a universal urban nature, then many interesting patterns show themselves. These patterns may or may not repeat themselves in other cities in the series — but if they do, they will most likely occur in Liverpool and London. Some facets are specifically Scots, and are the more interesting in that they are fitting increasingly into the patterns laid down in Curzon Street for the development of both secondary and further education. This may show the like‐mindedness of Her Majesty's Inspectorate in both countries, it may show the increasing importance and hence centralization of education as a major spender of national resources.
(1967), "CONCLUSION", Education + Training, Vol. 9 No. 12, pp. 530-531.
Copyright © 1967, MCB UP Limited