EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION in Glasgow has been established by way of a silent, no‐nonsense revolution, coupled with considerable foresight on the part of the educational committee. True other places in Britain are going ahead with plans for an ETV service, and some of these are in an advanced state. At this moment, Glasgow is unique — with a fully operational local authority system accepted by teachers and children alike as a normal part of the educational process. Added to this can be the system operated by Glasgow University and the closed‐circuit channels of the University of Strathclyde and Jordanhill College of Education — a four‐way link‐up that is of the utmost importance to the nation in showing the drawbacks as well as the advantages of such a system.
(1967), "E.T.V.", Education + Training, Vol. 9 No. 12, pp. 529-529. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb015898
Copyright © 1967, MCB UP Limited