A new approach to mathematics in technical education
Much important work is being done in schools in the reform of mathematical education. This involves not only the introduction of new topics, but the approach to what and how to teach. As far as we can tell from the relative isolation of one establishment, very little is being done on these lines in the colleges of technology and the technological universities. Indeed, to judge by recent textbooks, nothing is being done at all. There is no doubt that, unless some serious rethinking takes place about syllabuses and the general approach, not only will the advantages of the modern schooling be lost, but the future student is likely to be baffled by the relative sterility of the traditional approach to mathematics.
Bruckheimer, M. and Gowar, N.W. (1967), "A new approach to mathematics in technical education", Education + Training, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 72-74. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb015797
Copyright © 1967, MCB UP Limited