If the period from 1950 can be classified in educational terms, then the Golden Age of Further Education bids fair to take its place in our history books. Inevitably however times change, and it seems that this particular era is now coming to an end and we are about to embark on an uncharted phase of development. This will have its own characteristics, chief among which will be competition for available funds from other areas of education. It seems more than likely that further education, particularly at its lower levels, is no longer going to stand in such a special relationship to the Department as it has done in the past, and demands for expansion and development are likely to come under much closer scrutiny than hitherto. The Pilkington Committee is but the initial step in what could be a complete recasting of the FE Structure.
(1966), "Imponderables", Education + Training, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 147-147.
Copyright © 1966, MCB UP Limited