The science teaching apparatus revolution
In the immediate post‐war years, school science apparatus was in short supply and the established manufacturers and supply houses provided very little in the way of new items. Criticism of the quality of available apparatus was frequently heard and was voiced in public at a particular A.G.M. of the Science Masters Association (now the ASE). This led in 1961 to a meeting (organised through the Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association) between the principal manufacturers and a panel of HMIs. Whilst it was difficult for the latter to be specific about the shortcomings of apparatus on the market, it was suggested that SIMA should make contact with the then recently formed SMA Modern Physics Equipment Committee, which was concerning itself with the kind of new apparatus which would be required for teaching ‘modern physics’.
BEARD, D.S. (1965), "The science teaching apparatus revolution", Education + Training, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 122-125.
Copyright © 1965, MCB UP Limited