BACIE ON HIGHER EDUCATION — Nottingham Conference
THAT PART of society with which readers are mostly concerned being, industry and commerce, we may perhaps be forgiven for devoting this report on Bacie's Nottingham Conference on ‘The Spectrum of Higher Education’ mainly to the sessions on the proposed New Course for Industrial Training Officers and on the Colleges of Advanced Technology. True, this leaves space for but the briefest mention of the outstanding and delightful addresses by Sir Willis Jackson, Dr Marjorie Reeves, Mr Norman Fisher and Dr A. P. Rowe, and the charming postscript from Mr C. E. Escritt, Secretary of the Oxford University Appointments Committee, but a mere recital of the names indicates the extent of the riches Bacie provided.
(1962), "BACIE ON HIGHER EDUCATION — Nottingham Conference", Education + Training, Vol. 4 No. 11, pp. 8-8.
Copyright © 1962, MCB UP Limited