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Innovation in the Commonwealth: The International Intervisitation Program, Australia, 1970


Journal of Educational Administration

ISSN: 0957-8234

Article publication date: 1 January 1971



Among the recommendations of the first International Intervisitation Program held in North America in 1966 was the organization of a second program at a later date. The 1970 International Intervisitation Program, held in Australia, was jointly sponsored by the University Council for Educational Administration and the University of New England. The themes of the Program were Centralization and Bureaucracy, Planning and Systems Analysis, Accountability and Assessment and Teacher Negotiation and Participation in Policy Making. These themes were the subject of papers at the orientation phase, of observation in a two week visitation phase and of group discussion at a conference held in Armidale. Perhaps the most important outcome of the Program was the decision to establish a Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration, a professional association for those interested in educational administration, which seems likely to hold its first plenary meeting at the third International Intervisitation Program to be held in England in 1974.


WALKER, W.G. (1971), "Innovation in the Commonwealth: The International Intervisitation Program, Australia, 1970", Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 3-9.




Copyright © 1971, MCB UP Limited

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