Is Educational Administration a Profession in Canada?
Educational administration, and particularly the school superintendence appears to be an emergent profession in Canada. There are over one thousand superintendents (chief education officers) in Canada. These officers, though still concerned with “quality control” in education, are turning from prescription and enforcement to guidance, stimulation and co‐ordination. There is a growing emphasis on academic preparation for the position: a post‐graduate degree is is required in all but three provinces. Nearly all superintendents are members of professional organizations, though none of these organizations enforces professional improvement upon its members. Canadians can look forward to the day when minimum qualifications for the superintendency will include appropriate graduate work beyond the masters' level or a full internship. Yet ways will have to be found to keep the outstanding master teacher from wasting his talents in the name of promotion by becoming a mediocre administrator.
FLOWER, G.E. (1963), "Is Educational Administration a Profession in Canada?", Journal of Educational Administration, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 74-80.
Copyright © 1963, MCB UP Limited