The Search for New Wine Consumers: Marketing Focus on Consumer LifeStyle or LifeCycle
Recent marketing debates in the wine industry highlight two distinct viewpoints on how new wine consumers are created — through lifestyle choices or via lifecycle maturity. Qualitative research with a quota sample of American wine drinkers suggests that lifestyle choice is the more reliable source for new wine consumers. Based on the research results, several wine lifestyle options are identified and described. In addition, suggestions for further quantitative research models are recommended, as well as marketing strategics to capitalise on the wine lifestyle selections.
Thach, E.C. and Olsen, J.E. (2004), "The Search for New Wine Consumers: Marketing Focus on Consumer LifeStyle or LifeCycle", International Journal of Wine Marketing, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 44-57.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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