Developmental training — looking ahead in a changing world
The subject of Management Development alone must be thought of as a misnomer in contemporary industrial society. Certainly for the future Human Resource Development probably better describes what the business must be about than simply Management Development. Having said that, however, there is an element of uniqueness attached to management development in the future, which separates it from its current activities of developing its human resources in order to make the maximum use of their contribution and capacity. It is this unique element for which there is a special need: that of developing in some people — call them success‐orientated managers — the finest qualities of leadership relevant to the work environment. This will bring real achievement to organisations, and reverse the trend away from the bureaucratic, self‐perpetuating and self‐protecting managers we know so well today.
Markwell, D. (1982), "Developmental training — looking ahead in a changing world", Education + Training, Vol. 24 No. 9, pp. 260-264.
Copyright © 1982, MCB UP Limited