Directed private study in the docks
In 1969, the TUC representative on the National Ports Council's Standing Committee on Training raised the matter of education within the industry, suggesting that existing provisions were inadequate and that improvements should be considered. The only facility available at that time consisted of the Port Workers Education Scheme (PWES), which made it possible for port employees to study up to three port‐related subjects at evening classes, with a view to obtaining the Port Transport Certificate. Unfortunately this scheme was available only in a limited number of ports and, despite initial enthusiasm, support waned. By 1969 the number of students completing all three subjects, and therefore becoming eligible for the certificate, had dwindled to about 25 a year. Moreover the majority of students were clerical staff; few dock workers, for whom the scheme had originally been designed, took advantage of this opportunity.
McHale, J. (1979), "Directed private study in the docks", Education + Training, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 23-26.
Copyright © 1979, MCB UP Limited