Learning the hard way
On 2 August Radio Officer Andrew Buckley enrolled as a student of advanced level physics with the College of the Sea. It was explained to him that the practical work would have to be done some time when he was on leave. He said he would be joining the Arya Sara on 5 August. He was lent Nelkon and Parker's ‘A’ Level Physics and Armitage's Practical Physics in SI Units, and a voluntary physics tutor was asked to set him some work, the College supplying the tutor with an addressed airletter for this purpose. On 13 August the tutor apologised for having been on holiday for a few days but said that he had written to Mr. Buckley. The following day Mr. Buckley telephoned from London Airport to say that he had been switched to Arya Pake and would thus not receive any mail addressed to Arya Sara.
Hope, R. (1974), "Learning the hard way", Education + Training, Vol. 16 No. 10, pp. 264-265. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb001839
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