Further education for life
Education, as a description and process, has come to be associated with an extremely narrow range of activity: namely that of formal classroom teaching. This has implications not only for the short‐term development of the individual, but also for the long‐term development of society. In both these respects it is necessary to see education in a considerably broader context than hitherto; especially if, as we claim from time to time, we are really concerned with lifetime education. Within the context of a dynamic economy, the different sectors of which change at differential rates as between each other and individually over time, this has several important implications. This article attempts to outline some of these implications and to suggest a possible method for dealing with them.
Whitehead, A.K. (1974), "Further education for life", Education + Training, Vol. 16 No. 9, pp. 233-236. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb001831
Copyright © 1974, MCB UP Limited