The unemployment situation has prompted the Department of Employment to promote the value of retraining for the redundant. Incentives have been improved both for the would‐be worker to learn new skills and for the employer to make fuller use of training capacity. Facilities for retraining are to be increased by the building of new government training centres and by an effort to utilize better the existing ones. Colleges of further education are being urged to rally to the cause by providing facilities for retraining. To do so represents a new departure for the colleges and one which, although the push is on now because of the present crisis, is part of a longer term innovation in their work. The colleges are being asked to take on lower level practical training so that the government training centres can continue to be geared to retraining and refreshing skilled crafts. These courses will operate as part of the Government Vocational Training Scheme.
Locke, M. (1971), "TRAINING THE UNEMPLOYED", Education + Training, Vol. 13 No. 11, pp. 366-368.
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