Wish you were here
In a world of mass communications, youth is on the move. Our fastest growing industry is travel, the fastest growing sector is youth travel and within that the expansion of educational exchange programmes — a situation which might lead the unwary to suspect that travel had become an accepted part of education. In some senses it has, but there is still a long way to go before it is fully supported from within the education system and overall facilities are made available to an age group regardless of whether its individual members are still attending specific educational establishments. What impetus there is comes mainly from outside organisations, slowly insinuating the value of their projects into the minds of sceptical local education authorities and government funding bodies.
Barlow, P. (1970), "Wish you were here", Education + Training, Vol. 12 No. 9, pp. 328-329. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb001627
Copyright © 1970, MCB UP Limited