Corporate Manpower Planning
INTRODUCTION It has become almost mandatory to start a text on manpower planning with a debate on the definition of the subject. (For a good example see Thakur[8].) There is a wide range of opinion and confusion on the topic of what manpower planning is. In this review I will concentrate on describing, collating and appraising the recent work which has been called Manpower Planning and the definition of the subject will therefore be the net coverage of the work reviewed. As an aid to the reader unfamiliar with the subject, the following preliminary definition is offered as a starting point: “Manpower planning is a strategy for matching future manpower numbers and skills with organisational activities”.
Bowey, A.M. (1977), "Corporate Manpower Planning", Management Decision, Vol. 15 No. 5, pp. 421-447.
Copyright © 1977, MCB UP Limited