Keillor, B. (2007), "Editor's note", Direct Marketing: An International Journal, Vol. 1 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Editor's note
This issue of Direct Marketing: An International Journal takes a close look at the electronic aspects of direct marketing. The first article, “A Conceptual Model for the Internet's Impact on Marketing in Iran” provides insight into a market often overlooked by Western firms – the Middle East, more specifically Iran. In the second, “Multi-channel Communications and Consumer Choice in the Household Furniture Buying Process” we are introduced to the unique aspects of multi-channel marketing in the U.S. retail furniture industry. “The Whole Truth & Nothing But the Truth? The Role of Data Quality Data” delves into the difference between data collection and quality data collection, highlighting the problems firms have in analyzing current data.
The industry perspective in this issue shows how direct marketing has revolutionized the real estate market in the U.S. and, finally, the book review looks at the new Oxford University Press publication, Online Marketing: A Customer-led Approach. While regular readers will note the absence of our regular market report feature, that is because we are currently undertaking a comprehensive study comparing markets across Europe, Asia, and Latin America which should be ready for the next issue.
I am sure you will find this issue informative, as well as being a valuable resource, in expanding knowledge in the field of direct marketing. Enjoy!
Bruce Keillor