(2008), "Testing the limits of team development", Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 22 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Testing the limits of team development
Article Type: Abstracts From: Development and Learning in Organizations, Volume 22, Issue 5
Laman S.A. Quality Progress, April 2008, Vol. 41 No. 4, Start page: 34, No. of pages: 4
Purpose – to describe how American Society for Quality (ASQ) examination review teams rapidly attain effective team working, and to recommend application of ASQ techniques to improve performance in other teams. Design/methodology/approach – gives an ASQ review team’s objective as producing a certification exam within two days, states that teams consist of 12 experts, stresses that deadlines provide a sense of urgency, and profiles the accelerated forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning techniques applied. Explains that agendas and other documents are sent to members before meetings, outlines the duties of a scribe and a timekeeper, emphasizes application of ground rules to support conflict resolution, notes that a three-minute time limit is applied to discussions, covers temporary division of the team into small groups, and allocation of specific tasks to recognized experts, and mentions removal of problem issues for later solution, end-of-meeting recognition and post-meeting feedback by members. Includes side bars clarifying terms used in exams, lists 11 ground rules, and explains how readers can involve themselves in exam development workshops. Originality/value – advice for team leaders. ISSN: 0033-524X Reference: 37AK906
Keywords: Examinations, Team building, Teamwork